主要课程:建筑力学、建筑材料与检测、建筑工程测量、土力学与地基基础、建筑识图与CAD、Apply principles of OHS risk management(职场健康和安全风险管理)、Manage project quality(项目质量管理)、Manage project risk(项目风险管理)、Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise building projects(低层建筑施工规范与标准)、Apply structural principles to residential low rise constructions(低层住宅建筑结构设计)、Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for medium rise building projects(中高层建筑施工规范与标准)、Apply structural principles to the construction of medium rise buildings(中高层住宅建筑结构设计)、Identify services layout and connection methods to medium rise construction projects(中高层建筑项目布局和连接)、Select and prepare a construction contract(施工合同)、Prepare and evaluate tender documentation(工程招投标)、Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects(工程概预算)、建筑结构、建筑施工技术、建筑工程施工组织与管理、国际ESL1-5、BIM技术应用等。