复写、抄送 carbon copying (cc)最近听人说起什么外企必知的几个英文缩写,像HR(human resource,人力资源)、OT(overtime,加班)等常见的缩写都一闪而过,倒是有一个cc让我停顿了好一会儿.你知道这个缩写代表什么吗?咱们今天就来说一说.Carbon copying (abbreviated cc or c.c.) is the technique of using carbon paper to produce one or more copies simultaneously during the creation of paper documents.复写(carbon copying,简写为cc或c.c.)指在创建文本文件时用复写纸同时复制出多个副本的技术.The use of carbon copies declined with the advent of photocopying and electronic document creation and distribution (word processing). It is now common for a business letter to include, at the end, a list of names preceded by the abbreviation "cc:", indicating that the named persons are to receive a copy of the letter, even though carbon paper is no longer used to make the copies.随着复印技术以及电子文件创建和处理技术的出现,复写技术的运用急剧减少.现在,很多商务信函的结尾处都会以“cc”开头列出一些人名,表示这封信函要抄送给这些人看,不过已经不用复写纸来创建副本了. 【已有很多网友发表了看法,点击参与讨论】【对英语不懂,点击提问】【英语论坛】【返回首页】